Please find our contact information below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Owner/Franchisee: Val and Maurice Bonnet
Avenue B Location 116 Avenue B North Saskatoon SK S7L 1C8 (306) 665-1914 Hours of Operation Mon-Wed: 9:30-6 Thurs: 9:30-8:30 Fri: 9:30-6 Sat: 9-5 Sun: 11:30-5 Stat Holidays: Closed |
115 St Location 415-115 St. East (Sutherland) Saskatoon SK S7N 2X9 (306) 955 7999 Facebook | Instagram Hours of Operation Mon-Fri: 9:30-5:30 Sat: 10–4 Closed Sundays and Holidays Holiday Hours |